Arthur Michel • fiction • 75′ • in production • 2023

Leskovik, a small town in the mountains of southern Albania, on the border with Europe. Once bustling, Leskovik is now deserted by its youth, who are leaving for the capital or abroad. But some remain: Çome, to revive the local economy; Byrlyly, because the blood of these mountains runs through his veins; and Aris, who is reluctant to leave either. Lulled by local legends, they set off on boneless old scooters, armed with metal detectors, in search of a hidden ancient city and its artifacts. On their way through the mountains, the tree men will encounter strange encounters, and this mystical quest will test what unites them to each other and to Albania.

Written and directed by Arthur Michel

With the support of La Fédération Wallonie -Bruxelles – Aide aux productions légères 2023

Pitch at Balkan Film Market 2023

Groupe Ouest 2024

Selected at Up-coming producers of the BRIFF 2024